Wohnen am Kirschgarten, Hammersmith Kaserne Herford
Location | Herford, Germany |
Year | 2018 |
Status | Competition |
Client | Municipality of Herford |
Program |
Convertion of the former Hammersmith Kaserne (barracks) areal into a living quarter (350 new living units), together with an urban strategy for the public space and reintegration of the site to its neighbourhood |
Area | 10,35 ha |
Team | Jola Starzak, Dawid Strębicki, Anastasiia Oksiukovska, Zuzanna Wysoczyńska, Bartosz Bisaga, Katarzyna Krawczyk, Luis Gomes Soriano |
In collaboration with | Coqui Malachowska Coqui Städtebau Landschaftsarchitektur, Moritz Bernoully, Magdalena Majnusz |